Monday, March 12, 2007

Turbo Jam

I purchased the DVD with Cardio Party on it, and I have to admit, 40 min of high-intensity exercise that earns me 5 APs, I'll learn to like the music on the program!

Chalene is a tad irritating, and the other workout gurus in her group aren't much better - but I get a good sweat session out of it, and the time does fly by when I get it on!

This particular DVD also includes Ab Jam, a routine I tried only once so far. I didn't think torsos were supposed to contort the way she demands her audience to, so I did find it rather difficult, and therefore haven't tried it again! But that doesn't mean I won't give'er a whirl again!


Anonymous said...

Cat your two blogs are amazing, do you mind if I add them to my blog, let me know and have a great workout :)

Natalie said...

It's funny that you find Charlene annoying because just looking at the picture, I kind of want to smack her. I know, violent. I don't know why I get that feeling from her. She looks overly perky but if you can a good workout from her, power to ya I say!

Great blog!